Everything Roasted Potato Peels

by Lora Wiley-Lennartz

Crispy Delights: Everything Roasted Potato Peels

Don’t you dare toss those potato peels! Sure, they might seem like the overlooked extras of your culinary adventures, but trust me, they’re pure gold waiting to be unleashed. With a drizzle of oil, a sprinkle of seasoning, and a little love in the oven, you’re in for a crunchy revelation: Everything Roasted Potato Peels!

Potato Peels

Picture this: crispy, golden-brown potato peels that crackle with every bite, infused with the savory magic of everything seasoning. It’s like your favorite potato chips got a gourmet upgrade but without the guilt trip. Snack time just got a whole lot more exciting.

But wait, there’s more! These humble peels aren’t just for mindless munching. Oh no, they’re versatile little wonders. Toss them into salads for a crispy twist on croutons that’ll have your taste buds doing a happy dance. Your dinner guests won’t know what hit them when they discover the unexpected delight of potato peel croutons. Surprise factor? Check!

Everything Roasted Potato Peels

The Power of Potato Peels!

Now, let’s talk nutrients. You might think all the good stuff is nestled deep within the potato, but think again. The skins are where it’s at! Packed with minerals and vitamins like potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins, these peels are a nutritional powerhouse hiding in plain sight. Who knew health could be this delicious?

Everything Roasted Potato Peels

And let’s not forget about carbs. Potato skins are a carb-lover’s dream, with just the right amount of starchy goodness to satisfy your cravings without weighing you down. It’s the guilt-free indulgence you’ve been searching for.

Feeling adventurous? Spice things up by getting creative with your seasonings. Swap out everything seasoning for a dash of dried herbs like rosemary or thyme, or kick up the heat with a sprinkle of chili flakes. The possibilities are endless, so go ahead, play with your food!

Everything Roasted Potato Peels

So, don’t underestimate the power of those potato peels. With a little imagination and a hot oven, you can transform them into crispy, flavorful snacks that’ll leave you craving more. So next time you’re peeling potatoes, think twice before you toss. Your taste buds will thank you!

Everything Roasted Potato Peels

Course Snack
Cuisine American
Keyword everything seasoning, potato peel recipes, potato peel snacks,, Potatoes, roasted potato peels
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Servings 4
Author Lora Wiley-Lennartz


  • 4 cups potato peels
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons everything seasoning


  1. Preheat oven to 350F.

  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper

  3. Toss the potato skins in a bowl with the olive oil.

  4. sprinkle the everything seasoning over the top and toss again.

  5. Spread the peels out on the prepared baking sheet.

  6. Roast in the oven for 25 minutes or until crispy.

  7. Let cool, transfer to a bowl, and serve.

Everything Roasted Potato Peels

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