Hailing from Swabia in Germany, Swabian apple cake or Schwäbischer Apfelkuchen is another German dessert perfect for Thanksgiving. Apfelkuchen or German Apple Cake is…
ApplesBakingCookiesFall RecipesFrench Macaron
Macaron Monday: Fuji Apple French Macarons with Cocoa Walnut Butter Filling
Last summer I met the Walnut Butter Man. Anthony Novelle is a sports nutritionist/wellness professional who created a line of all natural walnut…
This wonderful dessert is a German recipe that resembles the American recipe for Apple Brown Betty. Actually it’s Apple Brown Betty on…
ApplesBakingCookiesFall RecipesFrench Macaron
Apple Cider French Macarons with Cinnamon Buttercream Filling
Readers of this blog are well aware of my obsession with all powdered forms of food, spices, and herbs to experiment…
My mother has been making this pink applesauce recipe for as long as I can remember. I call it My Mom’s Magical…
First I would like to announce the winner of the To Romance, With Love cookbook package is Susan who said: My husband and…
Dr. B picked up a baking book for me recently. It was basically a big hint as he loved everything in it. It’s…
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