World AIDS Day is important because it reminds the public and Government that HIV has not gone away – there is still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice, and improve education.
December 1 is always a sobering day for me. Every World AIDS Day I think all day about the struggle of the 80’s and 90’s before effective HIV drugs were invented. I remember how many people my community lost. Each year I commemorate the day in this space by baking something special. Today I’m featuring these Red Velvet Cashew Kipferl.
From the World AIDS Day website:
Globally there are an estimated 34 million people who have the virus. Despite the virus only being identified in 1984, more than 35 million people have died of HIV or AIDS. This makes it one of the most destructive pandemics in history.
Today, scientific advances have been made in HIV treatment. There are laws to protect people living with HIV. Now we understand so much more about the condition. Despite this, each year in the UK around 6,000 people are diagnosed with HIV, and people do not know the facts about how to protect themselves and others. Stigma and discrimination remain a reality for many people living with the condition.
World AIDS Day is important because it reminds the public and Government that HIV has not gone away – there is still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice, and improve education.
Kipferl are traditional crescent-shaped, vanilla-scented Austrian Christmas cookies. In Germany, I have a kipferl pan.
The cookies are so popular in Germany and Austria, that special pans to shape and bake them in are readily available in most stores.
After creating these Pumpkin Cinnamon kipferl, it occurred to me I didn’t have to make crescent forms. consequently, I started fantasizing about experimenting with shapes. However, I was concentrating on a more traditional cookie, so I went with the half-moon shape.
Shaping the dough into AIDS ribbons worked well. Also, the red velvet emulsion flavor is just wow. Additionally, swapping out the almond meal for cashew flour gives these cookies a unique flavor. However, if you stick with the traditional crescent shapes, this recipe is also perfect for Christmas and Valentine’s Day.

Red Velvet Cashew Kipferl Ribbon Cookies
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Servings 2 Dozen
For the Kipferl:
- 1+ 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup powdered sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2/3 cup cashew meal
- 2 sticks or 1 cup unsalted butter
- 3 teaspoons red velvet emulsion
For the Coating:
- 1/4 cup powdered sugar
- 1/4 cup red sparkle sugar
Make the Kipferl:
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Whisk together the flour, powdered sugar, salt, and cashew meal. Set aside.
Cream the butter. Add the red velvet emulsion.
When the color is evenly combined, stop the mixer.
Scrape down the sides of the bowl and continue to mix thoroughly.
Turn the mixer down to low, and slowly add the dry ingredients until fully incorporated.
Pinch off a handful portion of dough at a time. Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface.
Use both palms to roll the dough out into a long rope about an index finger thick.
Divide the rope into 5-inch pieces.
Place each piece on the baking sheet.
Bend the piece into a U shape, then cross one side over the other forming a memorial ribbon shape.
Gently press the part where the two sections of the dough meet together.
Pinch each end of the ribbon to form a point.
Bake for 12 minutes.
Transfer to a baking rack.
Add the Coating:
Whisk together the powdered sugar and glitter sugar.
When the cookies are cool enough to handle, but still warm, roll each one in the powdered sugar mixture.
Transfer to a serving platter and serve.