As I was making these cake balls in the kitchen this morning, unbeknownst to me, a real life hedgehog drama was unfolding next door. My sister in law had found this injured hedgehog in the road.
He was stunned and bleeding after being clipped by a car. Unfortunately, it is a holiday weekend here so there is no way to get him to a vet before Tuesday. We called the emergency vet who said to just keep him quiet. We also called the local hedgehog rescue but they were full and could not take another one.
So she made him as comfortable as possible, fed and watered him and we are all hoping for the best. Poor thing. I am hope he makes a full recovery so I can give him an awesome name, dress him up in little outfits and wheel him around in a baby carriage.
Just kidding.
Well maybe not.
Weird but true coincidence. I had leftover cupcakes and frosting and I had been planning on using them for hedgehogs for several days now. These can easily be done with a cake mix and canned frosting.
I ended up with two different versions. I started with the idea to make hedgehogs on their feet but their little pink bellies are so cute so I made another version of and one on it’s back.
After shredding the cupcakes into crumbs, I mixed them with the frosting and shaped them into the two different hedgehog forms.
I used almond slivers for the spikes.
I popped them in the fridge to harden a bit while I melted chocolate and butter together in a double boiler. to dip them. The eyes and noses I made out of fondant.
As well as the bellies
And their little feetsies
Everything was glued together with melted chocolate using a small paint brush.
I hope our new little Mr. Hedgehog visitor is on the mend soon. He did eat and drink and was climbing up his cage. I’ll keep you posted.
What a crazy story!! But those cupcakes are amazing!!
At first I just thought you were super creative. Now I see you have a reason behind this madness. I too hope you HH makes a full recovery so I can come over and help you play dress up with him. GREG