Fun and Interesting Farmers’ Market Finds & August’s LOL Food Blogger Posts

by Lora Wiley-Lennartz
Many of you are probably familiar with some of these. But for me, there have been so many fun discoveries over these past weeks. Here are some of my more unusual finds:
Orange Turkish Eggplants – colorful, little and striped. What’s not to love?
Sour Mexican Gherkins – slightly larger than a grape
with a sour spicy flavor.
Graffiti Cauliflower – yellow and purple funky!
Avocado Squash – smooth creamy flavor.
Cranberry Beans – The shells were so pretty,
I felt guilty throwing them away.
Baby White Eggplants – So cute!

Rainbow Carrots – white, yellow, red and purple!
Lemon Cucumbers – These already made an appearance here in my
Heirloom Tomato and Lemon Cucumber Salsa
Purple Peppers
Bi-Colored Baby Squash
Ground Cherry Tomatoes with a sweet taste like pineapple.
Red, Purple and White (teenie weenie) Potatoes – Confetti spudlets!
Round Hot Peppers
And lastly, here are funny food blogger posts I happened upon this past month. Enjoy!Lentil Breakdown’s Ode to a Dean

Cake Wrecks’ Killer Thriller

Endless Simmer posts the Yiddish Zodiac

Joy the Baker’s letter to French Laundry

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Lora September 2, 2011 - 11:25 am

@Shaz – never heard of a cape gooseberry but now I am intrigued…

shaz September 2, 2011 - 11:05 am

What wonderful and colourful finds. At first I though the eggplants were zebra tomatoes. Are the ground cherry tomatoes similar to a cape gooseberry?

Lentil Breakdown September 1, 2011 - 3:19 am

I found some Thai eggplants that look just like tomatoes. Your Turkish ones are similar. Thanks for including my link. : )

Lauren August 31, 2011 - 10:09 pm

My farmers' market doesn't have anything like that! People in Wichita are evidently just discovering arugula. Ah, Kansas.

Cake Wrecks is always horrifying! I figure that even if my homemade cake looks a bit wonky it's still way better than anything on that site! I feel sorry for the people who paid for those cakes…

Oh, and I want to have a restaurant experience like Joy the Baker's at French Laundry. The upscale restaurants I've been to were…well, just expensive.

The Vanilla Bean Baker August 31, 2011 - 4:14 pm

What colourful and interesting delights from your Farmer's Markets! Thanks for the other blog links, hoping to be able to check them out soon.

Joanne August 31, 2011 - 4:38 pm

The farmer's markets at this time of year are amazing! Those are some awesome finds!


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