My sweet mother-in-law saved me some walnuts from the tree in our yard since I missed the fall here in Germany. So of course they had to be used for something special right?
This ice cream uses seven egg yolks. Seven. So. Worth. It. Rich and decadent. Ever since I made my Caramelized Apple Vanilla Calvados Ice Cream with Speculoos Cream Swirl, I have been a big fan of adding Calvados to an ice cream cream recipe. This one may not be as flashy but it packs a serious flavor punch.
The recipe comes from my old school file of recipes torn from physical publications. You know the one we all have even though we have thousands of others bookmarked and saved in computer files. I dragged that file out a few days ago, blew off the dust and found among the many treasures it contained this wonderful ice cream on a very yellowed newspaper. No date. No indication of the publication. So if you recognize it, give a shout out so I can dole out the proper credit.

Cinnamon Toasted Walnut Ice Cream
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Chill time: 1 day 2 hours
Servings 4
- 2 cups heavy cream
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 7 egg yolks
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 2 teaspoons calvados
- 1/2 cup chopped toasted walnuts
Heat the cream and stir in the cinnamon. When the mixture starts to boil, remove from heat and set aside to infuse for two hours. In the meantime chop and toast the walnuts.
Beat egg yolks and sugar together until smooth and creamy.
Reheat the cinnamon cream and slowly add to the egg yolks and sugar mixture to temper.
Pour the tempered egg mixture back into the cinnamon cream and stir over medium heat until it thickens enough for the spoon to leave a trail.
Remove from heat and strain into a bowl. Stir in the vanilla and calvados.
Refrigerate overnight.
Churn according to your ice cream machine manufacturer's instructions.
Add the walnuts.
Return to fridge for a couple of hours. Enjoy!
Love the flavours in this – I wonder if it would work with my no-egg ice cream recipe…
I might have dreams about this ice cream. I love love love ice cream. Cinnamon toast is my comfort food and walnuts are always around. You did it again. I want this and I just ate a big dinner of pork and sauerkraut. (a little German).
What a Christmassy (or general holiday) ice cream! Gorgeous! And perfect for those summer Christmases on the Southern side of the world.
Mmmm this looks divine! I really need to get me an ice cream maker! Perfect! Happy Happy New Year to you and yours, Lora!! x