Cheese stuffed pasta is so over. Meet pasta stuffed cheese. More specifically, meet Kohlrabi Pasta Stuffed Camembert. In this winter vegetable dish, boil pasta and chopped kohlrabi together. Drain, return the mixture to the pot and simmer in a white wine creamy, cheese sauce. Spoon this into camembert cheese shells and bake. Then, serve with the leftover pasta on the side. Creamy, cheesy, and crunchy deliciousness.
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Kohlrabi is one under-rated winter vegetable herein the USA. This German turnip is a distant relative of wild cabbage. The flavor is sweet and peppery. The entire plant is edible. However, only the bulb part is needed for this Kohlrabi Pasta Stuffed Camembert recipe.

Substitute any root vegetable for the kohlrabi in this Kohlrabi Pasta Stuffed Camembert recipe. For example. celery root or turnip will both work well. Additionally, If you are partial to Brie cheese, rather than the camembert, use the Brie. Whichever cheese variety you choose, make sure the rind is not too runny. You want the shells to be stiff. Otherside, when baked, it can become a runny mess. This will still be edible. However, it does not look as good on the plate.

Select a small version of whatever shape of pasta you prefer in this dish. The cute mini shell-shaped pasta won me over. I did try to find the whole wheat version. However, I could not find it in my local market.

After making this delicious and unusual recipe, you will have plenty of the cheesy Kohlrabi pasta leftover. Serve this on the side or save for another time. The pasta alone tasted like a camembert version of mac-n-cheese.

Kohlrabi Pasta Stuffed Camembert
- 1 medium sized kohlrabi
- 2+1/3 cups small shaped pasta
- Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
- 4 whole Camembert cheese
- 1 cup white wine
- 3/4 cup vegetable broth
- 1/4 cup creme fraiche
- 3 pinches nutmeg
Peel the kohlrabi and cut into small pieces.
Cook the pasta in salted water. in a large pot. After 6 minutes, add the kohlrabi pieces and cook for another 6 minutes.
Drain, rinse with cold water and pat dry.
Cut the rind off of the tops of each other the Camembert cheeses. Use a small spoon to remove the cheese from the center leaving about 1/3 of an inch of rind and cheese. Set the scooped out cheese aside.
Heat the wine in the pot until it comes to a boil. Add the broth.
Whisk in the reserved cheese until it melts.
Add the kohlrabi pasta and cremé fraiche to the pot. Mix to combine.
Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and the nutmeg.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Place the camembert sheets on the baking sheet. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the kohlrabi pasta to the Camembert shells and fill them with the creamy kohlrabi pasta mixture.
Place in the oven and bake for 25 minutes until they turn golden brown.
Remove from oven. Transfer each portion onto its own plate. Drain the remaining Kohlrabi Cheese pasta and distribute between the plates and serve.