I was planning to say I glittered these truffles because they are special for the holidays. The truth is I don’t need any excuse to bust out the disco dust and glitter things. I would glitter truffles because it’s Wednesday. I would glitter my husband if he let me.
I am sure these would have tasted even better rolled in cocoa powder, powdered, cinnamon or large crystal sugar. But glitter won the day so if you need sunglasses to read this post, I apologize in advance.
In my quest to use up all the pumpkin pie spice in my cabinet by Thanksgiving (you may or may not get very tired of those three words, PPS in the next two weeks), throwing this spice mix into truffles was a no brainer. However, you wonderful souls who actually read this blog deserve more than that. So I raided my liqueur cabinet and pulled out a bottle of butterscotch schnapps I usually use to make butterscotch martinis.
Adding the schnapps to the truffles really bumped up and deepened the flavor. I also used it to moisten the truffles to paint on the disco dust giving these an extra bite of butterscotch. If you make these for a party, try not to be mesmerized by people’s glittery lips and tongues while they are telling you how delicious they are.
Butterscotch Pumpkin Pie Spice
Chocolate Truffles
(Adapted from Chocolate Truffles Recipe from Joy of Cooking)
Chocolate Truffles
(Adapted from Chocolate Truffles Recipe from Joy of Cooking)

- 8 ounces Good quality bittersweet chocolate chopped into very small pieces
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
- 1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
- 2 tablespoons butterscotch schnapps plus about 1 more for coating the truffles.
- Disco dust in your choice of color.
- Place the chopped chocolate in a heat proof bowl.
- Heat the cream and butter and pumpkin pie spice together in a small saucepan until just boiling.
- Pour the cream mixture over the chocolate and whisk until smooth.
- Whisk in the schnapps.
- Cover and place in fridge until solid.
- Using a teaspoon form the truffles into balls rolling them between your hands and place them on a parchment lined plate.
- Pour a little butterscotch schnapps into a very small dish.
- Dip a small paintbrush into the schnapps and then into the disco dust and coat truffles.
- Place in fridge until ready to eat.
Love the glitter!! I need to start using this in my cooking! Also love the flavours. Mmmm!
I first loved seeing that you glittered these all up, then reading on was delighted to find out that you bumped the insides up too with butterscotch sschnaps. Perfect holiday treats.
Glitz and Glam – a must have during this season – the colors are awesome and the pictures mouth-watering! Is there something similiar to Butterscotch Schnaps in Germany?
Haven't seen it before but could imagine it fits some recipes I'm going to make the next weeks.
With best greetings, Sandy
I love that you glittered these! So festive for the holidays. The flavor combo sounds absolutely delicious!
What sparkly truffles! so cute! I didn't know stuff like this existed for food!
Lora, it's getting to be that an time I see yummy stuff with glitter on it I think of you! I love spicy chocolate – will try these!
Glitzi und Schoki… best Kombi ever! 🙂
I love truffles because you can get so creative, as you have here! I need to get some of that glitter, pronto!
All this glitter is really making me want to bake more often! I wonder could I glitter savory things? Also I would love to see your butterscotch martini recipe!!!
Haaa!!! "I would glitter my husband if he let me." Do you know how much I love that!?
The truffles look sparkly and delicious!
Glitter! And chocolate! And PPS! And schnapps! What's not too love about this post? If I saw some of these truffles at a gathering or something, I'd definitely know who made them. They are so you Lora 🙂
Pumpkin pie spice and butterscotch shnapps! Yum!!