The winner of Heather Baird’s book Sprinkle Bakes Desserts to Inspire your Inner Artist is:
Amy from the fabulous blog utry.it!!! Thanks to everyone who left a comment. I highly recommend to all of you to get your hands on Heather’s book. It’s brilliant.
I am weeks late with my end of the month funny food blogger posts for May so here they are:
Lila Loa’s May the THIRD Be With You…
Thursday Night Smackdown’s To Whom It May Concern
The Extraordinary Art of Cake’s Buttercream Bakery’s Masterpiece Builder Bear Cupcake (Check out the last shot)
Doughmestic’s 50 Shades of Grey…Very Vanilla Ice Cream
Hot Polka Dot’s How to Tuesday: Pump Up the Volume (First time I have ever seen this in a bowl and I am not talking about the phone)
Cake Wreck’s Old Glory Daze
I have no idea why all these women are reading these books. Don't. Get. It.
The 50 Shades of Grey ice cream post was fantastic. I have a friend who's obsessed with them and evangelizes on the topic when given a chance. Like Susan, I had a slight suspicion that the author has never actually had sex. Why are all these women reading these books? Anyway…
I'm totally sticking my iPhone in a latte bowl when I get finished typing this comment. (Now I feel like I need need need a pet hedgehog.)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so amazingly creative! I giggled when I saw that first picture.
Congrats to U try it! Love your funny food blogger post links! The hedgehog in the bowl was priceless! Now I want a hedgehog LOL Too cute!
I LOVED that 50 shades link. Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations to Amy! Hope you are having a wonderful week.
Thank you so much for this wonderful news! Yay….I'm going to love the Sprinkle Bakes book and put it to good use.