For years I have seen these cookies at bakeries in Germany and scanned different recipes for them in my collection of vintage German cookbooks. I never had a bad thought about them until I was in the middle of making them for the first time.
Full confession. As I was forming the S shape out of the dough and laying them on the baking sheets, I had the terrible thought that perhaps these treats had their roots in some sort of cookie tribute to the SS.
Momentary freak out.
So I googled and googled and it seems these are just traditional cookies. No Nazi connection whatsoever.
Sometimes it’s hard to be me.
You can roll out these S shapes by hand or use a cookie press to do a spritz version. The dough is easy to make and has a lovely lemony flavor.
This cookie recipe looks like the one that I am looking for. However, it calls for 1/2 pound of butter then adds (2 Sticks) as a descriptor. In my experience 1 stick of butter equals 1/2 pound. I am asking for clarification, please.
In the USA 2 sticks equals a half a pound of butter.