June is Pride month, rainbows are everywhere and it’s all fabulous. However, I feel it’s important not to lose sight of the struggle Stonewall represents. The riots on June 28, 1969, sparked a civil rights tide change for the LGBTQ communities in this country. A tide change that by 2019 became a revolution. Over the last 30 years, I’ve seen wonderful change for the LGBTQ community. Today more people across the nation celebrate are able to celebrate without fear. Which, of course, brings me to entertaining and recipes. This Rainbow Spiral Veggie Tart is a beautiful addition to any pride party. However, it’s lovely for any occasion. In addition, it’s a real stunner to bring to a potluck party.
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The Rainbow Spiral Veggie Tart is as easy to throw together as it is beautiful. Use a mandolin to cut the veggies to cut prep time (see what I did there?). However, if your knife skills are better than mine, the combination of a sharp knife and a peeler works just as well.

Pick your veggies
The puff pastry crust on this Rainbow Spiral Veggie Tart is the real cheat. To not make a crust from scratch is always an additional time saver. Lay the vegetables into the crust in whatever color combination suits you. I made a rainbow version to commemorate Pride. Firstly, green and yellow zucchini. Secondly, carrot strips. Thirdly, Red Bell pepper strips. Then, shredded red cabbage.
However, use as little as one single vegetable variety. Alternately, use two in a stripe pattern. In the end, it is the spiraling that gives the tart it’s wow factor.

Before placing the Rainbow Spiral Veggie Tart in the oven, beat together sour cream, heavy cream, grated parmesan cheese and eggs. Pour the mixture over the top of the tart . Make sure it i spread around evenly to fill the nooks and crannies between the vegetables.

Happy Pride everyone. Love wins. Always.

Rainbow Spiral Veggie Tart
- 1 tbsp canola oil
- 2 tbsp breadcrumbs
- 14 oz package puff pastry
- 1 large yellow zucchini
- 1 large green zucchini
- 2 large orange carrots
- 1 red bell pepper
- 1/2 cup shredded red cabbage
- 1/4 cup sour cream
- 1/4 cup heavy cream
- 2 eggs
- 3 tbsp grated Parmesan
- kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
Preheat oven to 350 ° F.
Brush an 11” round tart pan with canola oil and sprinkle the pan with breadcrumbs.
Line the pan with puff pastry, crimping it all along the sides.
Peel the carrots.
Cut zucchini and carrots into thin strips with a peeler.
Cut the red pepper into strips
Lay the vegetable strips spirally. in the pan starting from the outside sorted by color. Start with green then the yellow zucchini, then carrots, then red pepper pieces. Add the red cabbage in the middle. i
In a separate bowl, mix the sour cream and cream with eggs.
Add the parmesan.
Season with kosher salt and freshly ground pepper.
Pour the mixture evenly over the top of the tart.
Put in the oven and bake for 30 minutes.
Cover with aluminum foil and bake for another 15 minutes.
Then remove from the oven and let rest for 10 minutes.
Cut and serve.

Like this Rainbow Spiral Veggie Tart? Also, try some of the other rainbow themed recipes: