Many other bloggers have made New Year’s Champagne Meringues for New Year’s Eve posts. Although the idea is lovely, they are nothing new. However, for this version, I piped them out to personalize the upcoming year. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to 2020 in edible form.

It’s always a bit bittersweet to create the last post of the year. Also, it’s hard to believe in a few months I will celebrate my 10-year food Blogaversary. It seems like yesterday I created this space. The journey has been fraught with fails but also so many wins, new friends and wonderful opportunities and experiences.

So as the song goes “What are you Doing New Year’s Eve?” For us, this is the second year in a row we are hosting a pajama party. We’re serving a crazy mix of Chinese dumplings, filet steak, aligot (cheesy potatoes), salad and creating a Pavolova bar for dessert. These New Year’s Champagne Meringues will make an appearance on the Pavlova platter. It’s not hard to guess most of the guests are professional food people.

There are a few tricks to making these meringues. Firstly, let the egg whites age on the kitchen counter for at least 30 minutes. Preferably age them overnight. Secondly, use an open star tip to pipe the meringues. The closed star version can be messy and the result too voluminous. Thirdly, if after baking, the meringues still feel tacky to the touch, remove them from the oven and let them sit on the baking sheets for at least 30 minutes. They will stiffen up significantly.

Have a wonderful New year’s celebration. As the Germans say, wishing you a Guten Rutsch, or a good slide into the new year. Thanks for being here and see you on the flip side!

Champagne New Year’s Meringues
- 3 egg whites
- 1/2 teaspoon cream of tarter
- pinch salt
- 2/3 cup white granulated sugar
- 3 tablespoons champagne
- gold and/or silver sparkle sugar or other edible decorations
Let the egg whites sit out on the counter for 30 minutes. They should be room temperature before you use them. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees F.
Whip the egg whites at medium speed until they are frothy.
Add the cream of tartar and the salt. Turn the mixer speed up high and gradually add the sugar in a slow steady stream. Whip until stiff peaks form.
Whip in the champagne.
Place the piping bag fitted with the star tip in the drinking glass and fold the sides over the lip of the glass.
Use a rubber spatula to transfer the meringue to the glass.
Pipe out the year in numbers onto the baking sheets.
Sprinkle with sparkle sugar.
Place in oven and bake for 1 hour
Remove the meringues from the oven. If the meringue still feels tacky to touch but are starting to brown on the bottom, leave them out on the baking sheet for another half hour or so. They will harden up and will easily come off the pans.
Transfer to a platter and serve.

Like these New Year’s Champagne Meringues? Also, try some of these other recipes for your New Year’s Eve menu:

[…] 21. Champagne New Year’s Meringues […]
[…] 29. Champagne New Year’s Meringues […]