Houseboating France’s Yonne River

by Lora Wiley-Lennartz
Yonne River France

Houseboating France’s Yonne River is a unique way to explore the region. The Yonne River winds gracefully through the Burgundy region of France. The area is a treasure trove of historical and scenic wonders. This picturesque place boasts a rich tapestry of medieval architecture, lush vineyards, and quaint villages. Consequently, this makes it an ideal destination for history enthusiasts and travelers.

Houseboating Yonne River France

Historically, the Yonne River has been a vital artery for trade and transport, dating back to Roman times. The region’s significance grew during the Middle Ages. This is evidenced by the majestic Auxerre Cathedral and the Abbey of Saint-Germain. Auxerre, the river’s principal town, offers a stunning collection of half-timbered houses and narrow cobblestone streets, providing a glimpse into the past.

Auxerre France

Travelers can indulge in the region’s renowned wine culture, particularly in Chablis. The rolling vineyards and wine tastings here are a must-experience. Nature lovers will appreciate the scenic beauty of the Morvan Regional Natural Park, perfect for hiking, cycling, and exploring the diverse flora and fauna.

Housboat Yonne River France

This houseboat trip is our fifth one on European rivers and our second one to the Burgundy region.  A mode of travel that offers a unique and fun way to explore areas at one’s leisure. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to explore villages and towns off the beaten tourist paths. Locaboat is our go-to houseboat provider. We have never been disappointed.

The Yonne River area seamlessly blends historical richness with natural beauty. It offers an unforgettable journey through the heart of Burgundy. Whether you’re a history buff, wine lover, or nature enthusiast, the Yonne River area promises a captivating French adventure.

Houseboating France's Yonne River Auxerre France

Here are four lovely stops we made while Houseboating France’s Yonne River.


Houseboating France's Yonne River Joigny France

Joigny, nestled along the serene Yonne River in Burgundy, France, is a hidden gem renowned for its rich history and picturesque beauty. Incidentally, we started our houseboat journey here, picking up our boat at Locaboat’s base.

This charming town offers a unique blend of medieval architecture, vibrant culture, and scenic landscapes. Therefore, making it a perfect destination for history buffs and travelers seeking an authentic French experience.

Founded in the 11th century, Joigny boasts a well-preserved old town characterized by half-timbered houses adorned with intricate carvings. The Church of Saint-Jean, a stunning example of Gothic architecture is a testament to the town’s medieval heritage. Visitors can explore its beautiful stained glass windows and impressive bell tower.

Houseboating France's Yonne River Joigny France

Wine enthusiasts will find Joigny particularly appealing. It is part of the renowned Burgundy wine region. The town is surrounded by lush vineyards producing exceptional wines. Tastings and vineyard tours are a highlight, offering a true taste of the region’s viticultural excellence.

Strolling along the banks of the Yonne River, visitors can enjoy scenic views and tranquil moments. Joigny’s vibrant markets, filled with local produce and artisan goods, add to the town’s charm.


Auxerre France

Auxerre’s history dates back to Roman times. However, it flourished during the Middle Ages. The stunning Auxerre Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Étienne) dominates the city’s skyline. It is an exquisite example of Gothic architecture.

Visitors can marvel at its intricate stained glass windows and the impressive crypt. The latter holds remnants of an earlier Carolingian church. The Abbey of Saint-Germain is another historical gem, renowned for its Carolingian crypt and well-preserved frescoes. Furthermore, this abbey played a significant role in the city’s religious and cultural development. It offers insights into medieval monastic life.

Strolling through Auxerre, travelers will encounter charming half-timbered houses, narrow cobblestone streets, and vibrant squares.

The town’s rich heritage is  showcased in the Natural History Museum and the Museum of Art and History.

Auxerre FranceAuxerre, with its historical treasures and scenic charm, offers a captivating journey through Burgundy’s past and present, making it an essential stop for any traveler in the region.


Houseboating France's Yonne River Mailly-la-Ville France

Mailly-la-Ville is a quaint village that is a hidden treasure to explore,  rich in history and natural beauty. This charming destination offers an authentic French experience for travelers seeking tranquility and cultural depth.

Houseboating France's Yonne River Mailly-la-Ville France

Mailly-la-Ville’s history dates back to medieval times, with its origins reflected in the village’s architecture and layout. The Church of Saint-Adrien, a notable landmark, showcases Gothic and Romanesque architectural styles and provides a glimpse into the village’s religious heritage. The church’s beautiful stained glass windows and serene ambiance make it a must-visit.

One of the village’s unique features is its location on the Canal du Nivernais, a historic waterway that played a crucial role in the region’s trade and transport. Today, visitors can enjoy canal boat rides or cycle along the towpaths.  this is a perfect way to take in the picturesque scenery and lush greenery that surrounds Mailly-la-Ville.

Outdoor enthusiasts will appreciate the numerous hiking trails in the area, offering stunning views of the Yonne Valley and opportunities to explore the local flora and fauna. The nearby Rochers du Saussois, a renowned climbing site, attracts climbers from all over the world with its challenging cliffs and breathtaking vistas.

Vermenton France

Mailly-la-Ville, with its historical charm and serene landscapes, promises a delightful and enriching experience.


Vermenton France

Vermenton is a picturesque village, a captivating destination known for its rich history and scenic beauty. This charming town offers an authentic glimpse into French rural life. This makes it an ideal spot for travelers seeking cultural and natural attractions.

Historically, Vermenton has roots dating back to Roman times, with significant development during the Middle Ages. The village’s historical charm is evident in its well-preserved architecture and ancient streets.

A standout landmark is the Church of Notre Dame, an exquisite Gothic structure that showcases stunning stained glass windows and intricate stone carvings. This church stands as a testament to Vermenton’s medieval heritage.

Vermenton is also home to the ancient Abbey of Reigny, founded in the 12th century. This Cistercian abbey, set amid serene landscapes, offers a peaceful retreat for visitors. The abbey’s well-maintained grounds and historic buildings provide a fascinating insight into monastic life in medieval France.

Outdoor enthusiasts will find Vermenton’s location along the Cure River and its proximity to the Morvan Regional Natural Park ideal for activities such as hiking, fishing, and canoeing.

Local markets and quaint cafes in Vermenton offer a taste of regional cuisine and traditional French hospitality. Strolling through the village, visitors can enjoy the blend of historical charm and modern-day comfort.

Vermenton, with its historical landmarks and natural beauty, promises an enriching and memorable experience for anyone exploring this area.

Houseboating France's Yonne River Vermenton France

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