Monster Finger Cookies With Ghetto Fabulous Fingernails & Octobers LOL Food Blogger Posts

by Lora Wiley-Lennartz

I have always loved that Bugs Bunny Cartoon where Bugs does a makeover on the angry monster and gives him a “permenanent” with TNT.

“My stars! If an eenteresting monster can’t have an eenteresting hairdo, then I don’t know what things are coming to!”

Cracks me up every time.

Today, on All Hallow’s Eve, I  also channeled my inner monster makeover artist.

I have seen these monster finger cookies on other food blogs. I’ve even made them before. However, the diva in me always wanted to give them a manicure.

So I did 🙂


I love how creative nail art has become over the last years. It was slow to hit here in Germany but it’s in full swing now. The German gals are gettin’ their ghetto fabulous on and it was my inspiration.
Use a witch finger recipe like this one from All Recipes.  I separated my dough and tinted it into five different colors using Wilton’s Red Red, Black, Orange, Peach and Leaf Green gel colors.


As she said it the post, the dough is a bit sticky to work with so I used a little flour when rolling out the logs but not too much as to fade the color.  She also says you have to roll them very thin as the dough spreads quite a bit.


This one was too fat. Roll fingers into half the width of these.

After rolling out the dough into fingers, you squeeze where the knuckles to be to form them and use a toothpick to make the indentations. Then press an almond in one end for the fingernail.

I also did not have blanched almonds on hand for the fingernails (no pun intended.)  I used a bag of whole ones and blanched them myself. You can find out how to do that here.


For the “nail polish” I used royal icing. I mixed together a small amount of powdered sugar, egg white powder, and milk and then separated the mixture into four parts. The icing was also tinted with Wiltons gel colors in black, orange, red red and leaf green.


I used the pysanka method to achieve the spider webs. The rest of the designs were just improvised.

To set the monster manicure, I brushed on a clear coat of light corn syrup for that shiny finish.


I was laughing as I was painting the almonds/fingernails because I encountered the same problems most women have with their nails, mainly breakage and getting the polish even on both sides. At times I had to fight the urge to take a damn nail file to those almonds. All that was missing, in the end, was sticking them under those nail salon hand dryers.


Speaking of laughing, here are October’s LOL Food Blogger posts:

Confections of a Master Baker has tunnel vision

Confessions of a Cookbook Queen explains what to do when one finds mice in one’s kitchen.

La Kocinera Smashes it with a hamma when making coffee caramel créme Brûlée

Food For Life finds spicy beauty in an ugly pumpkin.

VegSpinz’s Fantasy Dinner Party

The Colors of Indian Cooking’s Burra Memsahib Entertains!Buns in My Oven extolls the virtues of her pretzel bites

And here is Bug giving the monster a manicure…

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naomi November 3, 2010 - 4:42 pm

These are seriously creepy in the most awesome way!

Reeni November 3, 2010 - 1:16 am

You are so freakin' creative and never fail to impress! I love these!

Deeba PAB November 2, 2010 - 3:32 pm

Oh LOL LOL LOL LOra…good heavens lady, these are far too precious! I LOVE what you did with these. This is seriously great stuff! BOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Much love

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella October 31, 2010 - 10:04 pm

HAHA! I am LOVING your Halloween treats! These are ghetto fabulous and those little devils? Just so wonderful! 😀

Anonymous October 31, 2010 - 5:31 pm

What a great tip on the corn syrup for that shiny glossy finish! i love these cookies!


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