A medieval Fair at Our Local Castle and May’s LOL Food Bloggers Posts

by Lora Wiley-Lennartz

A Local castle? Yes we have one. When I mention it to my friends in the States, they crack up. As Eddie Izzard says, it’s not even plastic.

For those of you who live or have traveled extensively in Europe, you know there are castles of every size everywhere. They may not all be Neuschwanstein jumbo but back in the day, their occupant ruled the local roost.

We have a small beautiful one here called Burg Wassenburg. The main part has been converted into an upscale hotel/restaurant.

The tower, guard towers and most of the wall around the castle are intact.

And the grounds are fairly extensive:

Its a perfect place to host a medieval fair. Last weekend I hopped on my bike and 10 minutes later was partaking in the fun.

There were brave knights jousting:

Young soldiers fashioning their swords:

Leather making and black smithing:


Wrestling for sport and pride:

A mouse lottery:

And even some medieval style hot tubbing:

There were beautiful things to buy, like the latest fashions.

Jewelry inspired by medieval instruments.

And elegant swords.

Homemade Elixirs and Vinegars:

There were princesses and ladies to oogle:

And regular townsfolk to hob nob with:

There was incredible entertainment:

Soar Patrol

And many delicious things to eat:

Macadamia Dragon Eggs
Bread on a Stick
Grilled Salmon
Cyclops Kabab and Robber Torch

The bar was open:

Cactus Met was on special
Viking’s Blood anyone?
How about some Cherry Beer?

After the fun, I came home and unpacked my bounty:

Wild Rose Met, Date Balsamic Vinegar and Quince Wine. For sure I will be creating some new recipes with these soon.

As the self appointed Court Jester of this medieval themed post, it is my royal duty to further entertain you with May’s funny, clever and amusing food blogger posts. Enjoy!

Confessions of a Cookbook Queen is breeding new candy bar species.

Endless Simmer has seen too much.

Lentil Breakdown’s MOMA (Museum of Modern Appetizers)

Where is Bryan? shares 7 things he would do in Paris on the last day on earth.

C&C Cakery’s Rapturetastic Twix Cookies

Sippity Sups’ Chocolate Cherry Brownie is no Girl Scout

The District Chocoholic’s Daring Baker Challenge that never seemed to end.

and of course… Ruth Bourdain’s Guilt Taste

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C&C Cakery June 13, 2011 - 2:30 am

The nerd inside me really wants to go to that fair. And by "nerd inside me" I really mean "me". Because I am a big ol' history geek, inside and out. (Glad our post made you giggle)

Susie June 6, 2011 - 1:54 pm

This is an amazing post, exactly why I would love to spend a year or so abroad, what fun!

shaz June 3, 2011 - 10:20 am

Love, love, love this post Lora! How cool to have a castle in your town. Actually many years ago, I was on a train (or was it a boat? memory fails me) going down the Rhine, and I was all agog at the number of castle-y looking buildings I could see on the side of the hill.

Thank you so, so much for your NYC recommendations, will send you a quick email when I get my thoughts together 🙂

Anonymous May 31, 2011 - 5:54 pm

Such a fun fair! We'll have a Renaissance Fair that's similar coming up pretty soon in our area, really looking forward to it!

Butter Hearts Sugar May 31, 2011 - 12:24 pm

It all looks like so much fun! Sounds like you picked up some exciting goodies.

Joanne May 31, 2011 - 10:35 am

I cannot believe you live so close to this! Looks kinda sorta amazing…especially when you mention that balsamic vinegar. Need.


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