I was patiently waiting in line for the cashier in a supermarket in Pennsylvania, cradling two celery roots. When I placed them on the belt, several people behind me asked me what they were. I explained it was celery root but cultivated for its bulb, not its stalk (thanks, Wikipedia.). They started asking me all kinds of questions: what was I going to do with it? How do you cook it? What does it look like when peeled? Does it taste like celery?
Actually, I was sort of reveling in my newfound supermarket checkout popularity.
Answering all their questions, I told all my new best friends I plan to slice and schnitzel it to create this Celery Root Pumpernickel Schnitzel. However, further explaining the easiest way to prepare it is to peel, cut into pieces, boil and then follow a recipe for mashed potatoes for a lower-carb side dish. Fauxtatoes, if you will.
I thought I had answered everyone’s questions. However, when I finally got to the cashier, she glanced at my purchase and asked me what it was. Everyone behind me erupted into laughter.
Anyway, for a light and flavorful vegetarian meal, try this Celery Root Pumpernickel Schnitzel recipe.
Now I realize blue cheese is not everyone’s favorite flavor. I happen to love it. However, use any sauce or salad dressing you like. One with a cream base is the best pairing. So I made the accompanying sauce for this Celery Root Pumpernickel Schnitzel from what I had leftover in the fridge. Surprisingly, this sauce is a perfect accompaniment for this dish. The bonus is I now have a new recipe for salad dressing.
You don’t have to use pumpernickel breadcrumbs for this recipe. Regular white breadcrumbs are fine. I like the extra flavor provided by the pumpernickel. If you go with pumpernickel, most likely you will have to make them yourself. Place the pumpernickel slices on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake at 300 for 15 minutes. This will dry the bread out enough to create the breadcrumbs you need for the schnitzel. Let the bread cool. Then run it through the food processor or blender.
Be aware: pre-boiled the celery root slices in salted water for 15 minutes before moving onto the schnitzel phase.

Celery Root Pumpernickel Schnitzel
For the sauce:
- 1/4 cup Blue Cheese
- 2 tablespoon sharp mustard German or Dijon variety
- 1 cup sour cream
- 1/2-1 teaspoon white granulated sugar
- Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
For the Schnitzel
- Celery root 2 lbs - 1 large or 2 medium sized.
- 3 large eggs
- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1+1/2 cups pumpernickel crumbs about 6 slices
- 1/4 cup tablespoons clarified butter
Make the Sauce:
Place the mustard, blue cheese and sour cream in a food processor or blender.
Pulse until combined.
Add the sugar 1/2 teaspoons first and more if needed. Pulse again.
Season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Pulse one more time.
Scrape into a bowl and cover with plastic cling film and refrigerate.
Make the Schnitzel
Peel the celery root and cut the celery root into 1/2 inches slices.
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Place a layer of paper towels next to the stove.
Add the celery root slices and boil for 15 minutes.
Transfer the celery root from the pot to the paper towels to drain.
Beat the eggs and pour into a flat plate.
Spread the flour out on another flat plate.
Spread the pumpernickel crumbs out onto the third plate.
Salt and pepper the celery root on both sides.
Heat the clarified butter in a large skillet.
Dredge the celery root slices in the flour, then the beaten egg and then the breadcrumbs.
Add the dredged celery root to the pan and fry on both sides until crispy.
Transfer the cooked schnitzel from the pan to a platter.
If there is excess grease, gently pat with a paper towel.

Wait, I have a question: Do you fry the dredged celery root in the clarified butter? I'm guessing yes, but for how long? I love your innovation! Thank you for all of your posts.
Hi Jenny: Thanks for catching that omission! Yes. fry the dredged celery root in the clarified butter on both sides until crispy. I've update the recipe to reflect that step. Thanks again and enjoy!